
案例研究:用于 伊利诺斯州蚊子种群监测的BG计数器陷阱 



当一个广泛的, regional surveillance network containing more than 200 adult mosquito traps introduces remotely operated, 下一代技术,以Biogents的BG计数器的形式?  

Hga010皇冠软件下载最新的案例研究揭示了这些数据. 继续阅读,了解Hga010皇冠软件下载的运营部署、故障排除和发现的好处.


The Chicago suburbs mosquito surveillance networks selected for this case study originally contained more than 200 traditional traps that operated seven days a week. 这些陷阱包括新泽西灯陷阱, ABC的陷阱, 妊娠的陷阱BG哨兵陷阱 -这些工作相互配合,以达致以下目标: 

  1. 蚊群监测 
  2. 西尼罗河病毒(WNV)检测 
  3. 入侵物种检测 

特别是, 新泽西灯和ABC陷阱监测蚊子数量, 重力捕集器专门采集样本进行西尼罗河病毒检测, BG哨兵陷阱协助检测入侵物种. 你可以阅读更多Hga010皇冠软件下载捕蚊器的用途和功能 在这里.



正如你所预料的那样, 在这么大的范围内开展蚊子监测项目, 200 manual mosquito traps 和 a wide variety of trap capabilities was expensive in terms of labor hours 和 operational costs such as gas mileage. 为了解决这个问题, Hga010皇冠软件下载’s opted to implement the BG Counter trap to take advantage of its ability to significantly decrease the man hours needed to run the trap network as well as to optimize 和 automate mosquito data collection. 

The Biogents BG-Counter is a next-generation mosquito surveillance technology 和 the first to enable remote monitoring for mosquitoes. Attaching to most existing BG traps – including the BG Sentinel 和 BG Pro traps – the BG Counter counts the number of mosquitoes flying through its sensors 和 auto-populates mosquito populations 和 their activity levels into an accompanying web application. 

这种远程自动数据收集可以最大限度地减少手动收集和计数的需要. 除了, 它还有助于为操作团队提供更好的治疗时机和更有效的治疗方法.



In 2021, Hga010皇冠软件下载推出了它的第一次BG Counter测试运行, implementing them across 17% of their existing population monitoring traps with a goal to achieve a 25% utilization percentage by 2022.  

确保第一年使用的准确性. Hga010皇冠软件下载将收集袋与BG计数器放在一起,并手动计数收集样本. 对于其他想要监控点票准确性的地区, it should be noted that Hga010皇冠软件下载 found that placement of these collection bags above the fan inhibited proper suction 和 allowed mosquitos to fly in 和 out of the trap, 被计数多次. This finding revealed the importance of placing the net below the fan when teams may be double checking counts. 


The only discrepancies discovered in the BG Counter’s functionality 和 accuracy throughout the study were due to a few rare occasions w在这里 non-target insects entered the device, 或者是蜘蛛在陷阱的开口处搭了一张网. 由于计数器收集小, 中型和大型物品, 其他昆虫进入设备的可能性很小,但仍然存在, making it necessary to occasionally double check trap counts or monitor for unprecedented population changes. 



在Hga010皇冠软件下载的蚊子监控网络中首次推出BG计数器设备后, 我们的行动小组发现,大部分收集到的蚊子是 库蚊 物种.  

Hga010皇冠软件下载 plans to make a series of adjustments in the next mosquito season to determine if the trap setup affected the collection samples. 




The labor savings for rural areas was most notable – with the BG Counter saving more than 330 hours of manpower, 4,900英里的燃料, 6美元,在整个项目过程中.



This program’s implementation 和 monitoring also helped to determine the importance of utilizing a rain guard 和 placing traps in lower-traffic areas to maintain the counters’ accuracy. Using a rain guard lessened the debris or raindrops that entered the trap 和 erroneously counted as mosquitos. 除了, placing the traps in lower-traffic areas helped mitigate potential human intervention or tampering with the devices.


另外, Hga010皇冠软件下载发现要保持陷阱的功效, 在整个季节中适当地更换二氧化碳储罐是必不可少的. The number of times the tanks needed replacement depended mainly on the size of the CO2 tanks used 和 how frequently their associated traps ran. The operational team found that most surveillance networks will likely need to switch their CO2 tanks out at least once during the season. 

当涉及到监测二氧化碳储罐, another benefit to the BG Counter platform is that any mosquito surveillance team can enter their CO2 tank settings into the BG website, 当储罐需要更换时自动提供通知.


最后, Hga010皇冠软件下载 discovered throughout the study that they could find 和 address any trap malfunctions or issues more quickly 和 effectively by paying close attention to the BG website. 这使得读数更准确,并优化了整个蚊子监测网络. 




在伊利诺斯州的蚊子季节, the use of BG Counter within a mosquito surveillance network resulted in many benefits for both the operational team as well as the population served, 包括: 

  • 更好的治疗时机 
  • 更有效的治疗方法 
  • 用更少的钱更好地控制 
  • 远程trap管理 
  • 减少了在陷阱检查和蚊子计数上花费的时间 

Most mosquito control programs find that a combination of all available surveillance technologies best suits their needs for monitoring population levels 和 detecting arbovirus disease cycles. 寻求Hga010皇冠软件下载正确监测组合的指导,以监测当地人口? 给我们写封信 在这里 我们的蚊子控制专家可以提供帮助.


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