



  • 2016 marked the hottest year on record for Planet Earth. Asia and the Artic experienced unprecedented high temperatures, parts of Africa and Latin America were drought-stricken, 以及美国东北部地区.S. 经历了一个寒冷多雨的冬天.
  • 2017 was just slightly cooler than 2016 – it snagged the spot for the second hottest year on record. It brought frigid cold and snow to parts of the globe that traditionally don’t experience extreme winter weather, 像意大利. 与此同时, 野火肆虐加利福尼亚和西伯利亚, 整个东南亚国家都被洪水淹没, 以及毁灭性的哈维飓风, “厄玛”和“玛丽亚”横扫美国.S. 和加勒比地区.
  • 在2018年, we’re seeing extreme weather events across the globe, 包括洪水, 更多的野火和干旱.

我也有同感, because these are just some of the real Earth events guest speaker Raj Rajan recently brought to Hga010皇冠软件下载 as part of our ongoing Speaker Series designed to open minds and deepen our understanding of sustainable development. 拉杰是一名志愿者 气候现实项目, working tirelessly to get the world talking about, 相信, and working against the drivers of global 气候变化.


There were so many meaningful takeaways from Raj’s presentation, but one that especially resonated with us was the impact 气候变化 is having on the spread of vector-borne diseases. He shared that warmer conditions extend the breeding season and geographic range for vectors that carry diseases, and allow viruses to grow faster in their systems. Overall mosquito populations are peaking sooner and lasting longer in the summer season. And global travel and immigration is exposing new regions of the world to vectored diseases they haven’t experienced before. 我们在美国亲眼目睹了这一点.S. 2016年迈阿密爆发寨卡病毒. Zika was not a new disease at the time, but it was new for the U.S. 有本地病例.

+, extreme heat and longer warm periods are fostering the spread of toxic algae blooms that threaten public recreation and – more terrifyingly – drinking water sources.

当我回想拉杰的演讲时, I feel a call to action – to do more to minimize our impacts, 为了更多地参与进来, 并成为我们行业内大胆的催化剂, our communities and our networks to initiate and influence meaningful conversations about the issues of, 以及解决方案, 气候变化. The work that needs to be done to reverse the effects of 气候变化 can seem overwhelming. 但我也感到希望, because I know that there are thousands of individuals and companies that are working hard and making material changes to reduce their environmental impact. 作为我们的总裁兼首席执行官J. 莱尔·Hga010皇冠软件下载常说, “Don’t believe anyone who tells you that individuals or small and mid-sized companies can’t make a difference in the world, 因为在Hga010皇冠软件下载, 我们每天都在做.他是对的. We’ve done a lot already and we’ll keep at it because we know that there is always more to do. 你愿意加入我们吗??